Pattern: "February Lady Sweater," by Pamela Wynne, available as a free download on Ravelry
Yarn: Knit Picks Kettle-dyed Wool of the Andes, worsted weight 100% Peruvian wool
Colorway: Grasshopper
Buttons: Amazing, aren't they? Genuine Bone. Jo-ann's, of all places.
Plus: What's not to love about this design? Simple, flattering, easy to try on as you go. It's no wonder that Ms. Wynne's adaptation of the Zimmerman design is such an obsession in the knit world. I was thinking the other day about what I would do if I saw some chick out and about wearing this sweater (it's bound to happen soon). Do I hug her? Ask her if she throws or picks? Open with a comment on her hot mods?
Delta: Oh, Knit Picks, it's a love/hate thing, ain't it? It's hard to resist the prices, but you're also buying plenty of flaws to fret over. One, the "kettle-dyed" effect seems to be wildly inconsistent from one skein to another, some looking 100% solid, some being quite variegated and watery, others being a downright different green altogether. If I had been smart, I would have alternated skeins every two rows like pretty much every good knitter recommends. One day, I'll be that smart. Notice the "band of stupidity" right under my boobs, about 3 inches deep. As for the texture, apart from the totally expected roughness of this wool, Knit Picks makes some odd, hard, gnarly, enlarged "splices" which are totally infuriating! I had the same problem with the Cadena wool/alpaca blend used for the bridesmaid shawls of Becca's wedding.
Do I look skinnier in these pictures? I should, for I--lover of all food Mexican and all activities still and air-conditioned--have lost 11 pounds. Pretty soon, I'll be taking all knit-related pictures in a bikini. Then, my blog will REALLY take off!
And of course, afghan square #22!
Dude Looks Like a Lady Sweater
And Thanks Again!
A final thank-you gift for another recommendation letter.
Pattern: "Candy Wrapper Sachets" by Leigh Radford, available in One Skein
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Pure Silk, 100% silk DK weight single ply (colorway #11)Plus: These were a perfect last minute gift! I've had a random skein of silk and this particular pattern stashed away for just such an occasion for months, and it finally paid off. The recipient does not seem like the handknit wearing type; she almost always wears black, brown, or gray, and I cannot recall a single accessory she's worn. But everyone wants their undies drawer to smell nice, right? I was able to knit one of each pattern variation a night during the week and build the sachets over the weekend.
Delta: I had to get creative with the construction, because I could find neither silk tea bags nor loose dried lavender anywhere locally. In the end, I bought a couple of those cheap drawer sachets that come the in paper envelopes, the kind with the scented clay pellets inside, and poured them carefully into a draw string organza pouch. To make sure nothing spilled, I tucked that pouch inside a second one, drawstring side down, before cinching the whole thing up in the silk wrappers. I found all the provisions at my neighborhood Joann's: the ribbon in the sewing section, the organza pouches in the DIY wedding aisle, and the sachets near the candles and potpurri. It wasn't the classiest set-up, but I think they turned out okay. I really need to snap some shots of my finished February Lady Sweater which has been finished for weeks. I'm just not in the most to be all posey-posey in front of a camera, but it's really time to suck it up.
I just returned from a fun trip to an alpaca farm in Wimberly, Texas. They had an "Open Farm Day" with demonstrations of shearing, spinning, felting, and weaving. I had really planned on buying a drop spindle while there, but they had sold out before we arrived. No matter, for I fell in love with another unnecessary gadget: a Cricket table-top loom. Must have. Birthday, perhaps? I also got to hug an angora bunny and tease some naked alpacas. Good times.
Behold, afghan square #21: